Alpha Cottages

Ty Gwyn Farmhouse in Haverfordwest

St Davids coastal farmhouse overlooking magnificent Whitesands beach, a paradise for families and enthusiastic surfers, also close to the Pembrokeshire Coast Path and boat trips to Ramsey and Skomer Islands. Coastal period farmhouse Whitesands Pembrokeshire - Surfers paradise This substantial coastal period farmhouse overlooks the golden sands of Whitesands Bay out to Ramsey Island and the Atlantic beyond - one of the most memorable views in Pembrokeshire.



To book Ty Gwyn Farmhouse in Haverfordwest, Pembrokeshire securely online today, and to check the latest availability at Ty Gwyn Farmhouse, please use the link below.

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St Davids coastal farmhouse overlooking magnificent Whitesands beach, a paradise for families and enthusiastic surfers, also close to the Pembrokeshire Coast Path and boat trips to Ramsey and Skomer Islands.

Coastal period farmhouse Whitesands Pembrokeshire - Surfers paradise

7-Day Forecast

Make the most of your holiday by considering the weather! The 7-day weather forecast for Haverfordwest is detailed below.

Mon 3rd Overcast clouds 16°C 13°C 10mph 0.0mm 1,024mb
Tue 4th Light rain 14°C 12°C 21mph 0.9mm 1,012mb
Wed 5th Sky is clear 12°C 10°C 22mph 0.0mm 1,018mb
Thu 6th Scattered clouds 13°C 11°C 23mph 0.0mm 1,019mb
Fri 7th Light rain 14°C 12°C 23mph 1.3mm 1,016mb
Sat 8th Sky is clear 14°C 11°C 13mph 0.0mm 1,023mb
Sun 9th Few clouds 13°C 12°C 13mph 0.0mm 1,026mb

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